Digital Pick-Up Technique has been researched and developed over the past two years using CAD/CAM and 3D printing systems to provide an easier planning process for cement retained implant bridges. Working closely with clinicians, we replicate abutments when designed and before their manufacture to create a planning prototype for checking occlusion, function and design at the try in stages. Temporary bridges and implant guides are made on these prototypes which can then be used before/while the final framework is being made. This gives improved insight and confidence, at planning stages, that the final restorations will be correct and provides patients with the best aesthetic and functional results at finals. The added benefit to the patient is also having an aesthetically and functionally acceptable temporary if future repairs, additions or adjustments are needed on the final restoration. DPT is a registered trademark of Hall Dental Studio and is part of the education initiatives current being taught at Norfolk House and presented at other venues in the North West. Please feel free to contact the laboratory for future events on this exciting new process or if you have a case to refer.